Statewide Tornado Drill 2025

When is the Drill Held?

Missouri’s 2025 statewide tornado drill will be held on Wednesday, March 5 at 11 a.m. This is an opportunity for Missourians to practice their sheltering plans and ensure readiness in case of a severe weather emergency while at home, work or school.

Each year, the National Weather Service chooses the date of Missouri’s statewide tornado drill. The drill is generally held during the first full week of March.

Why Participate?

Severe weather can strike at any time in Missouri, making it important for all of us to be prepared to find the most secure shelter available no matter where we are. The statewide tornado drill is an excellent opportunity for Missourians to practice their sheltering plans and ensure readiness in case of a severe weather emergency. The statewide drill provides schools, businesses and families with an opportunity to test their planning and readiness to be able to quickly seek appropriate shelter in case of a real severe weather emergency. By practicing and increasing readiness across the state, Missourians will feel confident and prepared in the event of actual severe weather emergencies.

How to Participate

At 11:00 a.m. on the day of the drill, NOAA Weather Radios set to receive the Routine Weekly Tests (RWTs) will alert listeners that the tornado drill has begun. Outdoor warning sirens will also sound across participating communities in Missouri. At this time, participants should practice taking cover in their designated shelter.

Schools, businesses and families are all encouraged to participate in the statewide tornado drill. Schools are encouraged to use the tornado drill as an educational tool for students by incorporating tornado facts and meteorological information and safety tips into their lesson plans.

Missouri’s annual Statewide Tornado Drill is part of Severe Weather Preparedness Week, which includes:

  • Monday – Have a Plan/Receive Weather Information Day
  • Tuesday – Lightning Safety Day
  • Wednesday – Tornado Safety Day, including a statewide tornado drill at 11:00 a.m.
  • Thursday – Hail/Wind Safety Day
  • Friday – Flood Safety Day

The National Weather Service St. Louis Forecast Office has compiled information about all these weather threats and the safety measure to take in response at its Severe Weather Preparedness Week site.

StormAware is using Facebook and Twitter to help provide severe weather facts and safety information in the days leading up to and during Severe Weather Preparedness Week. Please like the Missouri State Emergency Management Agency’s Facebook page at and follow on Twitter at